
Showing posts from December, 2020

Is There Anywhere to Hide?

So, there is this thing that I am learning as a developing therapist. It is the art and power of avoidance. During my last year in graduate school, I interned at the Department of Veteran Affairs. I had the brief privilege of walking brave men and women through their journey of healing from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Due to their sworn oath of silence and loyalty to our nation and service, they had to withhold painful memories. These memories, unfortunately, were disruptive for many years during and after their respected time of service. The sad thing about it, many years after serving in the military, well decades later, the secrets of what these servicemen and women endure still haunted their memories. Some of the stories were just chilling and heartbreaking. Although their actions were justifiable, they did not allow their souls to be at peace. Fortunately for them, they met with seasoned clinicians like my mentor and veteran lovingly called Yoda (by me), who was there t...

So, What is That Cringe about, Sis?

                                                                                              Photo credit: @bigshotscott                                              When you hear the phrase, happy holidays, what thoughts come to mind? What is your initial reaction? Do you automatically respond without thinking about it? Do you automatically cheer up at the sound of the words? Or do you cringe while being reminded of the various pain this year alone has bestowed upon you or someone you love? Well, 2020 has presented its own set of heartbreaks. For me, the d...